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How do you fulfill the mission of the Church, which in part is to grow and multiply, without getting lost in a crowd?  How can we reach our entire community and beyond, if we can only know so many people?


LifeGroups is our answer to that.  It's how we grow big, but stay small.  These are weekly gatherings that happen throughout our community.  The point is that we would, through those relationships, become more faithful followers of Jesus.  It's like the name suggests, a group committed to doing life together.  The emphasis is on the relationships, not the activities, but you can expect to share a meal together, pray for and with each other, and study Scripture.


The vision is that on any given weekday, there is a LifeGroup living out the Gospel in each other's homes.


Click here, or contact a LifeGroup leader below for more information.  If you are interested in starting a LifeGroup, please click here.


Paul & Karen Vollrath -  Sunday mornings at 8:30 AM on campus.  Teenagers welcomed!  Childcare available upon request.

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