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Grace Community Church exists to share Jesus with our community, invite them to join His family of believers, and grow in faith together as we love God and serve others.


These five action words summarize the who and what of Grace Community Church.  We get them from two passages in the Bible:


| the Great Commandment - love God with all that you are and love your neighbor as yourself.


| the Great Commission - go and make disciples, and baptize them in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


While the wording is unique to Grace Community Church and reflects what we want for Bellville, Texas and the surrounding areas; the mission is for every church, in any town, at any time, because ultimately, we believe it's God's mission.  And we get to be a part of it! 



Grace Community Church recognizes the following core values:



| God First


God is the goal and means of everything we do.  He is how we do it.  He is why we do it. He is how we get there. It's all about Him. 


| Radical Obedience


What seems radical to others, is actually the normal response to the grace of God.  If we love God, we will show it in how we live.  We trust Him to take our efforts, and tell a beautiful story.


| Authentic Relationships 


To be known and loved by another is the healthiest, and hardest thing we can ever do.  But it's in these spaces that we can truly change, and inspire others to do the same.  Real, lasting life change does not take place apart from real, authentic relationships.   We want to be open and honest, and allows others to be the same.


| Community-Minded


For authentic relationships to exist, there has to be a sense of community; a commitment to meet with other people.  Community is our reminder that it's not just about us and our small circle of authentic relationships.  It's our high and holy calling to be a part of something much bigger than ourselves.


| Pursue Excellence


God always gives us His best.  We see this especially in Jesus.  To live excellently in all things is to live like God lives.  We want to live this way in how we speak, sing, pray, and do our jobs.  This excellence inspires others and honors God.



These five values outline the why and how, and are drawn from the word "grace".  After all, a name should say it all, right?



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